

A Restorative Massage


 Restorative massage has been practiced in Japan for over fifteen hundred years and has had proven, successful results for various conditions. The benefits of restorative massage include stimulation of circulation, reduction in pain, an increase of mobility and promotion of a general sense of well-being. This is the type of therapeutic massage that is practiced at A Restorative Massage.

A Restorative Massage is owned and operated by Carol Drew (NVMT #9051). She became interested in restorative massage as an extension of her Jujitsu training - balancing the discipline of martial and healing arts.


Carol is a Certified Massage Therapist and holds certificates in:

 - Danzan Ryu Restorative Therapy (Seifukujitsu)

 - Original Okazaki Restoration Massage (OORM)

 - Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy ©

 - Ashi-Thai

 - Pre and Perinatal Massage

 - Myoskeletal Techniques

A Restorative Massage is specifically focused on the needs of the client, and the techniques used range from deep-tissue therapeutic massage to relaxation massage. Carol is extremely thorough in her approach. 



Certificates of the different modalities offered

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